The Goldfish Pond :-)
Before the fish!
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Close to the beginning.....
This began as a premade pond form my Sweetie gave me for Christmas 2003. Spring last year seemed to be late in coming, and I could hardly wait for the pond to take shape in the yard! A load of dirt, a lot of rocks, and hours of work later, it began to really function :-) We discovered early on that the dogs were going to be a problem, so, the pond turned into an outdoor room with a new fence around it.
Although I wouldn't care if they just drank from it, we were afraid they would take to fishing!! They catch squirrels, possums, and anything else in the yard "passing through". But it all worked out, cause it ended up causing us to create a whole area instead of just the pond :-)
This pic was taken in May of 2004, just before putting the goldfish in. There are blue rope lights around the pond, and solar lights that come on at dusk to give enough light to see without being too much to loose the stars above.
Just a few days later here, and you can see the lilies blazing beside the pond :-) I planted flowers on each side that gave color all summer, although I cannot now find a pic of them all :-(
That's the living room window overlooking the pond, and I had to put stickers on it to try and keep the birds from flying into it.....
Here's what it looks like now, rather sad looking with all the plants resting for the winter. But, in this pic is a new part just waiting for this Spring to put in :-)
The fish have slowed down a bit in the colder weather, but with the fountain going, the water doesn't freeze. It's also keeping an open watering hole for the birds!
I can't wait to see how it evolves this spring!! LOL
The font I am using is BlackChancery, my favorite font. You can download it Here
Daffodils are my Favorite flowers :-)
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