Here I am at the Very End!
I wish there were more........
To turn off the music, just click the off button here
Midi file is Golden Mountain Top by Jalal Ali. Please visit his site Here.
This is where I end this learning experience and try and decide what to do next :-)
I wish to Thank Julie and Chelle for creating the group and lessons I have enjoyed So Much! And, Mystic and Trinity being kind and helpful mentors guiding me through :-)
I also want to Thank the Grads and group members who have been so inspiring in their portfolios, and I had so little time to reply to :-(
Thank You also if you have taken the time to look this far :-)
I have enjoyed this learning more than I can express, and already am missing the Next lesson :-)
I wish you all peace.
The font I am using is BlackChancery, my favorite font. You can download it Here
If you would be interested in learning how to make a site like this one, I would highly recommend starting with
And then
I would be so excited if you took a moment to sign my guest book before you leave :-)
I do not know the artist of this fantastic wizard graphic. It would be wonderful if you would Email me if you know so I can give proper credit.
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