This Wonderful art is by Josephine Wall. Please visit her site Here

Lesson 9

Java Scripting and CSS

To turn off the music, just click the off button here

Heart & Soul Line

For this lesson we needed to add some "special effects" to the page :-) The mouse trailor and ticker are JavaScripts, the dropdown menu here is a form, and the colored scrollbars curtesy of CSS :-)

Heart & Soul Line

The color swatch for this one was even challenging, so many colors in the image to choose from! But here's what I ended up with :-)

Color Swatch

The font I am using is BlackChancery, my favorite font. You can download it Here

The font I used in the buttons is Night Sky, and you can download it Here

Heart & Soul Line

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I am one of Trinity's Fairies

Lesson 9 Award

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