Tile 1 Tile 2 Tile 3
Tile 4 Juelle Portfolio Tile 6
Tile 7 Tile 8 Tile 9

This Wonderful art is by Josephine Wall. Please visit her site Here.

Lesson 16

Image Slicing

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Well, this one was fun!!

This was my first try with Image Slicing in PSP, always fun to learn new things in there :-)

And how Cool that PSP even creates the code!!

I hope you enjoy looking at this one just half as much as I did making it!! LOL

Are you Sure we can't talk you ladies into more lessons?????

The second page of this lesson showing the parts of the image you can see Here.

The font I am using is BlackChancery, my favorite font. You can download it Here

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I am one of Mystic's Pixies

I am one of Trinity's Fairies

Lesson 16 Award

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